Cingular Minutes Minder 1.0
After much anticipation (by approximately 7 people) the official family plan supported version is here! I'm pretty excited about this release not only because it's the thing most people wanted, but I was also able to squeeze in a couple other things that I've been wanting to get in there too.

So, first things first, the family plan support. This shouldn't be too big of a deal, it should just work. Type in your number and password and voila, it should display the number of shared minutes remaining. Keep in mind, the minutes information is for the group plan, but the data information is by the person. As far as I know, Cingular's website only provides data information by the person.
Second new thing, billing cycle date. For those of us that have problems remembering when their minutes get reset, it's easy to find now. Just hover over the extension and it'll tell you how much longer you have until those blessed minutes get reset :-).
Third, low minutes warning. Don't worry, nothing obnoxious like an alert popping up every time you open a window. The remaining minutes will simply change to red when you have less than 10% of your minutes left, hopefully that'll catch your eye while you're yapping to Aunt Sarah (sorry, it's dinner time and I'm starving).
Last, but certainly not least, I begrudgingly added support for people with an additional passcode on their account :-). My buddy Drew graciously let me borrow his account to get the family plan support working, but he has additional security so I had to make that work.
That's all she wrote, I hope everything works as advertised.
Where can I get the upgrade? I looked on but only 0.5 was there. Did I miss a link?
The sidebar on the right side of the blog has all of the revisions. 1.0 is right there at the top :-)
just so u know, when hovering over in the status bar mine doesn't pop up witht he extra info.
Absolutely Excellent !! It works perfectly. I am a starving graduate student so I could only donate a little bit but I really really appreciate this extension.
ryan: That might be another known issue I should probably have enumerated in the known issues section. Here's the deal. When you open a new FF window, the extension checks to see if it has a stored number of minutes remaining. If it does, it displays it in your status bar. It also checks to see when the last time it checked cingular for more info was, if that was within the last hour it doesn't check again. I don't want to spam cingular's servers every time someone opens up a window right? Unfortunately, without checking, the popup doesn't get generated because it doesn't have the other info. So if you right click on the extension and choose refresh, it will force it to refresh and then should display the popup.
DesiLinguist: so glad to hear it's working for you and I really appreciate the support, enjoy grad school :-)
Matt, you're awesome. Thanks for getting family plans to work. You know we'll always be able to help you out with testing. :)
I get a weird error. When I hover over the extension to check my minutes, in the pop-up box it shows that I only have 5 night time and weekend minutes when it should say 5000. Therefore if I use more than 5 minutes it shows that I'm in the negative. I like version 1.0 better than 0.5 since it lets me know when my next billing cycle begins but from what I can recall I didn't get this error with v0.5. Any word on a fix or if anyone else has experienced this?
I installed it but all it shows is text/data, even when I select minutes.
Alright, well here come the bugs, I guess beta testing only takes you so far :-). So, there seem to be some goofy things happening with 1.0, I really didn't expect any problems at all, that'll show me to be overconfident. First of all, could everyone that has had a problem so far email directly, it's really a ton easier to troubleshoot if I can email rather than try to do it in the comments here. And before you do, cause I'll probably ask you to do this anyway. Delete the "" saved password information in FF preferences. And then type about:config in your FF address bar, then type cingular in the filter bar and right-click->reset all of the options.
Doing all that will get you back to a pre-install state and then we can go from there. Then open up a new window and refresh the extension. Make sure you are still having the same problem, then drop me an email with you're type of plan, which version of FF, what OS, and anything else you think might help me out.
matt: I've got an idea of what that might be.
macmanus: you've got to give me a bit more to go on
ryan: if the tooltip still doesn't come up, I'm a little bit stumped...but I'll get back to you
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Whack. I started my next billing cycle today and it says I've got 5000 minutes this time as opposed to 5. :P Some things right themselves I guess. If the problem persists I'll drop you an email but for the time being it looks ok for now.
Thanks for an uberslick extension BTW.
first thing i thought when I saw "1.0" in the top right was, "wonder how long until the bug reports fly in a 1.0.1 - the final final version - shows up" :-)
congrats on getting the new major stuff done boss.
yeah, looks like the first string of bugs might have be alright as is...I was thinking a 1.0.1 might be out there pretty soon too, not yet apparently though.
that is why slog will never go stable-1.0.0 ... not that anyone will actually use it and report bugs.
Works great for me. Me having a family talk plan, this update really comes in handy for me. Now I can see how many shared minutes is left from the entire group. Count me amongst the seven.
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Hey there,
I've sent you an email regarding obtaining the source code if possible.
Please do follow-up on it.
Mine also said 0.5 when I supposedly downloaded 1.0 AND when I hover
I'm unable to make that portion work. Help please, and thanks!!!
I have been using 1.0 for a few weeks and it just stopped working this weekend. I did a refresh, but it cannot connect. Any ideas?
@Daniel - I emailed you directly, but just so everyone is clear. Firefox extensions are open, just change the .xpi to a .zip and you are on your way. Extension developers are proud of their code (I hope) so do be careful how you use it, but it is there for all to see.
@sharpei - I'm sorry to hear it's not working like you expect. I don't really know what to tell you if you've been unable to install the newest version. I haven't heard anyone else have the same issue. If you're running an old version of the extension, I can't really guess how well it will work for you. Feel free to email me directly if you have more information.
@blueman - Nothing changed on my end. Did anything change for you? Can you log in to still? As always email directly with more information for more suggestions.
For some reason i can put my phone number in. I have another number there which is one number off.. not sure how i got it there. But now if i type in my number it doesnt save. any other number works fine, what gives?
I just found this 1.0 update and am very excited that it works. The data usage part had stopped working for me on the 0.5 version, but it is working again on 1.0 now. Also the whole family plan minutes is a great addition. Thank you very much for the update.
I can't get the extension to work (v1.0); it just says "Could not login to Cingular." I tried dropping "" into FF just to see if the service is up, and it looks like it's not. I waited two days and tried again, still nothing -- is Cingular's minute-minder thing gone? I tried deleting the saved passwords, uninstalling and reinstalling the addon, in two different copies of FF (2.0.3 Windows).
same problem as tom, "could not login to cingular" anybody otu there to help with this? pleez.
I CAnt get it 2 work
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