Question and Answers
A couple of folks took the time to IM me this evening through the meebome widget, but unfortunately I was watching Hero and didn't see the IMs. On a sidenote, Hero and I are forming a Lost-like love/hate relationship, the cliff hanger every week is killing me I'm going to have to stop watching until the DVDs come out. But that isn't the point is it.
The first question was:
"All i get is the number of text message[s]. Is there a way to show how many minutes are left?"
The quick answer is yup, there is. The long answer is there are two ways to do that. First, if you move your mouse over the extension and leave it there for a few seconds a display will come up with more detailed information about your account, including the remaining anytime minutes for the month. The other option is to right-click on the extension and go to the Preferences. Once you get there, choose "Minutes" from the "Display in status bar" drop down. Once the extension is refreshed your minutes should be displayed.
The second question was:
"...having a problem with it not refreshing w/ the new/correct info..."
The reason for this is that the extension will only check automatically once every 10 minutes so we don't bombard Cingular with unnecessary requests. If you want it to update right when you look at it, you can right-click on the extension and choose "Refresh." That will force it to refresh and ignore the lastChecked date.
Hope that helps, post up if that did (or didn't) answer you questions. Sorry I missed you.
First of all.. I love the extension.
I'm not getting my minutes displayed.
I've verified that it says "Minutes" in display statusbar. I've also tried to use the hover technique, however all I get is Text Messages & Internet/Media Net.
I'm using 0.4.4 version.
thanks in advance
@steve - I'm not exactly sure what's going on. It sounds like on cingular's site, they aren't displaying your minutes information on that first page. The first question I'd ask is, when you first log in to does the page you see have a "Current Usage" area that has your anytime minutes information? It seems like that might not be the case and if not there might be a problem because that's where I scrape the information from.
Drop me an email so I can get back to you more directly: cingularminutes AT gmail
so I went into preferences and changed it to show TXT instead of minutes (because we know I text more than I talk).. and now I just get the cingular logo and no number.
and when I mouseover the cingular logo the display shows all of my minutes but nothing about my text messages, why's that?
Good question. I just noticed that in the last day or two as well. For some reason, it looks like the extension isn't parsing out the data (sms messages) info correctly right now. Maybe a change to the way Cingular is displaying it? If you don't see text messages in the mouseover display, you won't get it when you have the extension display text messages vs. anytime minutes as they both come from the same place. Give it a couple days and we'll see what happens.
You rock. THANKS for the script, and for keeping it up-to-date.
@anon - no YOU rock.
Text messages are back for me, hopefully to stay for a while :-). More Cingular weirdness? I've got to give them credit for having an active web team, geez.
they're not back for me, boss.
i am reading over the other comments and such, and everyone is saying they are only seeing texts. my problem is i can only see my minutes. when i hover it only shows minute data, and when its set to show texts it just shows the cingular logo.
just fyi for ya.
As of Thanksgiving morning, I've got Steve's no-text-msg-info problem too.
Great lil widget tho - thanks!
cdj - grab the new release and let me know how it works for you, problem should be solved.
peter - that's an interesting idea, I'll add it to the list and see how it compares to the other feature requests. Thanks for the input.
Matt, Just installed the latest version. Set it up to show minutes. When I hover, nothing pops up. Any ideas for me?
phone number's right, password's right - its just telling me "could not log into cingular" - what's up?
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